Community News


Lawn Watering Requirements (Updated October 2021) 

St Johns County Watering Restrictions

Refer to the following files for the current Greenside Watering Schedule posted under 'Documents - Greenside Info' in the Greenside Website.

- MASTER Greenside WGV Architectural Standards and Guidelines.pdf, Section 16.0 Irrigation      of Lawns.

- Greenside Irrigation Schedule.pdf.

Please help conserve our drinking water supply, lakes and ponds.
For more information on the need to conserve Florida’s water supply go to St Johns River Water Management District.


Architectural Review Board - Process for applications
If you plan on doing any exterior modifications, please read the ARB Standards and Guidelines to see what is acceptable. Then fill out the application with supporting documents/quotes and submit to May Management along with the required deposit and fees. We hold meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month to review applications received over the last 30 days. Once the application is approved, you have 1 year to get the work completed. Once the work is completed, contact May Management so that the ARB can inspect the completed work to make sure that is completed as per approved application. Once the ARB has verified satisfactory completion of the modification, May Management will inform the resident so that they can pick up any performance deposits that would have been made by the homeowner.


Neighborhood Security
United States Security Associates is the provided security to the St Johns Northwest Residential community. The security contact cell number is (904) 982-4593.